Wednesday, May 3, 2017


File sharing has become an integral part of business practice. This refers to the ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the Internet. One commonly used file sharing software is Dropbox. This is useful in the accounting industry because clients can save their bank statements and other financial documents to Dropbox and the accountant can easily see them once they have the login information. P2P file sharing is the process of sharing and transferring digital files from one computer to another. It is an easier way to read or watch digital content like books or movies. The article, "Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it", explains how a P2P site called The Pirate Bay helped make a film called Steal This Film popular. With the help of small blog sites, this film was able to "reach more then 2m downloads and an estimated 3m viewers in 18 months since the film's release."

Staff, NMA. "Content Producers Should Take Advantage of P2P, Not Fear It." Econsultancy. Centaur Media, 22 Nov. 1970. Web. 03 May 2017.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Next New

With the media constantly evolving each year, it's hard to wonder what is next. One of the latest technology that is slowly becoming popular is virtual reality. It is easy to see how this will become a big part of our future and future innovations. This will also change the way new media will be communicated to the mass audience. In movies that takes place in the future, we have seen communication with media through holograms. One movie that comes to mind is I, Robot. We see buildings have holograms of the current news on the lobby. I can envision this happening with twitter or instagram where everyones tweet or post is popping up and companies can easily see this. This can be helpful for companies that are coming up with a new product because they can get quick opinion from their followers. This can also lead up to a new media that is based on polls and surveys for all types of businesses. Each profile will tell the type of person someone is which will help the business by diversifying the type of followers they have and they can anticipate the feedback they will get on a future product.

Monday, March 27, 2017


New media makes people more active and engaged with everything going on around the world. Everyone feels the need to voice their opinion about something or just follow the trends going on. People want attention and to be popular on social media platforms and this pushes people to be more creative so they can stand out. Companies like to look for these people and their to help come up with new products. In, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers", Claire Miller states that "consumers often come up with ideas for products, and companies wait on the sidelines to see if they have mass appeal". This benefits both parties because this gives the people what they want and brings in business to the companies. It also recognises the creativity of people and pushes others to follow.

Miller, Claire Cain. "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog about Twitter

Although twitter has been popular for sometime now, I have just recently begin to use it and I feel like I've been missing out. I've noticed the discussions on twitter are similar to any other social media platform. Since people are behind a screen, they feel like they can are safe and they can voice their opinion on anything. They go out of their way to insult people and always show they are right. This is different from blackboard and in-class discussions. Blackboard discussion are more professional and respectful. Although someone is still behind a screen, they are having a discussion with their classmates which changes the dynamic compared to twitter. With in-class discussions, people are face to face and, similar to blackboard discussions, are respectful towards others. Sometimes, it can get out of control because some people are closed-minded and think they are always right.

Social Networking Sites

Social media is a must have in todays society. If you are not aware of the current trends and news that are going on, you feel like you have been left out of society. Facebook was on of the first social networking sites to become very popular after myspace. Now, it is mainly used by the older generation. I personally feel the younger generation use it for memes. Instagram and twitter are on top when it comes to social networking sites. Instagram is used to post pictures/videos with a saturated motivation quote. Twitter is used to voice your opinion and have debates about practically anything. Snapchat is another social networking site that was becoming popular until instagram came out with instagram stories. People still use snapchat but its popularity has declined with instagram taking the throne.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Media Vs. Old Media Affect on Sports

With the changes in media over time due to technological advances, the sports industry and players had to adapt. With the old media, players were still able to keep their focus primarily on helping their team. But the new media has made life more difficult for the players and teams to concentration on their work. I will be doing my research on the positive and negative effects of the old media on sports as well as the new media. I will also go into detail of how the players and teams changed over time due to media. An example of this is that there are more international players in basketball because of television. People worldwide saw the NBA games and were inspired to improve their basketball skills so they can also play in the NBA one day.

NBA All-Star Weekend

The NBA All-Star Weekend is fast approaching and should bring along a lot of excitement. It was originally hosted in Charlotte, North Carolina but because of the Transgender bathroom law, it has been relocated to New Orleans, Louisiana making it the first major sporting event in the United States to be relocated for political reasons since 1990. Starting off with the least popular event but still entertaining, the celebrity game usually brings comedy from Kevin Hart but won't be in attendance this year. Following up, the rising stars challenge is always interesting to watch with the fast-paced rookies and sophomore players. The second night brings the most entertainment with the skills challenge, three-point contest, and the slam dunk contest. Unfortunately, Zach LeVine is injured but the dunk contest should still be very exciting with Aaron Gordon and DeAndre Jordan participating. The weekend concludes with the All-Star game which is always something you can't miss. With all the political madness happening around the world, the NBA All-Star Weekend can take us away from it and make for an exciting weekend.

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