Wednesday, May 3, 2017


File sharing has become an integral part of business practice. This refers to the ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the Internet. One commonly used file sharing software is Dropbox. This is useful in the accounting industry because clients can save their bank statements and other financial documents to Dropbox and the accountant can easily see them once they have the login information. P2P file sharing is the process of sharing and transferring digital files from one computer to another. It is an easier way to read or watch digital content like books or movies. The article, "Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it", explains how a P2P site called The Pirate Bay helped make a film called Steal This Film popular. With the help of small blog sites, this film was able to "reach more then 2m downloads and an estimated 3m viewers in 18 months since the film's release."

Staff, NMA. "Content Producers Should Take Advantage of P2P, Not Fear It." Econsultancy. Centaur Media, 22 Nov. 1970. Web. 03 May 2017.

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